Upon arrival in Pyongyang, President Kim Gu issued the following statement to the people of South and North Korea on April 21, 1930.
The 38th parallel as a latitude will exist forever, but the 38th parallel as a boundary line for foreign armies bisecting our country is untenable. Because of the 38th parallel, we have no reunification and no independence, therefore, no sovereignty and no democracy. How can that be all? There will be starvation among the people, separation of families, and killing one another within the nation. There is also a severe consequence in international relations, which is the deterioration of Soviet-U.S. relations. Our country is in a stage of transition to democratic reunification and independence. Without our reunification and independence, there will be no world peace. Therefore, our allies, the democratic countries, have guaranteed our independence. To realize this, the U.S-Soviet had conferences, and the UN has tried. However, the U.S.-Soviet Joint Committee failed to produce any results, and the United Nations Commission on Korea is only trying to permanently divide our country by internationally rationalizing the 38th parallel. Therefore, our only way forward is to unite among ourselves in the spirit of national self-determination and complete our independence through our sincerity and hard work. The fact that we have crossed the 38th parallel this time is proof of this. This does not mean that we refuse international cooperation. If any country understands our self-determination and cooperates with us, we will shake hands with them openly, and if they don¡¯t understand us, we will try to make them understand. This time, I stepped on the land of the North that I have always dreamed of. I am overwhelmed with joy at the thought of being able to meet my parents, brothers and sisters back home. But even more than that, I rejoice that we have been given the opportunity to exchange views in order to build a democratic, united, and independent nation. In this crisis, when our country is divided and our countrymen face destruction, our meeting is of great significance and so is our mission. This meeting will rightly recognize the failures of the whole nation as failures and the victories of the whole nation as victories. Under this premise, there will be no problem that cannot be solved. Our understanding, sincerity and unity will complete our unified independence, and the completion of our unified independence can ease the U.S.-Soviet crisis, and the easing of the U.S.-Soviet crisis can become the cornerstone of world peace. In this way, we will be able to create the first page of the history of world peace at this stage with our own hands, for the glory of our nation and the happiness of the people around the world. Dear compatriots! We hope that you will give us guidance and encouragement with your all-powerful patriotic fervor, so that we can create the results for the common struggle. |