It has been nearly two and a half years since I entered this half of the country after longing for it for thirty years, and I have now crossed the 38th parallel, having visited the other half of the country again. What shall I do with these mingled feelings of joy and sorrow that arise in my heart?
Among the multitude of my fellow countrymen who support me, there are some who are overly anxious for my failure, and others who are overly hopeful for my success. But if there is failure on this path, it will be the failure of the whole nation, and if there is success, it will be the success of the whole nation. Therefore, the individual is not the problem. Thus, we can trust that there will be nothing but success on our path, for there is not a single true patriot who would cause the failure of the entire nation by seeking his own self-interest. Many of my friends have asked me what we should do for this meeting. However, we have been premised that we will not plan anything in advance, but will participate in the conference as a blank slate. This is because we are at the stage of building a democratic, unified, self-governing and independent Korea. In other words, we have already clearly defined our principles and lines to establish the nation we want. The formulation and settlement of all proposals, therefore, will be subject only to their conformity to this principle and to this path. Thus, it may be said that some are anxious that after arrival in the North, we may propose something similar to the separate government and the separate election, which we have been opposed to, but I can assure you that, as long as we are alive, there is no need to worry about it. And it is already common knowledge that the independence of our country will be fully successful in the spirit of national self-determination and international cooperation. Therefore, any suggestion that we are going to become a satellite state of the Soviet Union, or that we are going to adopt a pro-Soviet, anti-American policy, is nothing more than slanderous propaganda. Our international policy shall be based on equality and reciprocal, and of goodwill to all friends who cooperate in favor of our democratic and self-governing reunification and independence. It is difficult to bear the sadness caused by the approaching parting, so I am complimenting all of you with these some words. Dear compatriots! May you be in good health all the days of your life, to achieve the independence of our country. April 20, the 30th year of the Republic of Korea, 1948 |