Q : In the domestic situation, things are going on to form a unified front as initiated by Dr. Rhee Syngman, what is your opinion for the formation of it?
A : I don¡¯t know the details yet, so I can¡¯t say what¡¯s what today, but if you think that I have returned with a better idea than Dr. Rhee Syngman in forming a unified front, you are wrong. I have not been in touch with the country, as you know, and as I do not know well about the domestic situation, I cannot make an accurate judgment about ongoing situation. Please leave this matter for another day. I just wanted to take this time today to thank the newspaper reporters who have been working for the national affairs. Q : When it comes to the unified front, there are many calls to exclude national traitors and pro-Japanese factions first, what do you think about this? A : Who wants bad members in the mix when it comes to forming a unified front, but I think there are two ways that can happen here: reunification first and exclusion of traitors later, and exclusion first and then reunification, but the result will be the same. Q : How do you plan to understand the domestic situation in the future? A : I have eyes and ears, so I will be able to hear and see and make a good judgment. Q : How do you feel on your first night after your repatriation to home? A : I couldn¡¯t discern it if my spirit alone has returned or my body only. Q : It was announced that you returned to Korea as an individual¡¦? A : Since there is a military government in our country, it could be a personal status externally, but from the point of view of Koreans, the Provisional Government has repatriated. |