Q : What are your impressions of the different directions you saw in North Korea, including political, economic, and cultural?
A : I got the impression that Korea can develop in the future and is quite capable of standing on its own two feet. Q : What differences did you see between the North and the South? A : ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û Q : The need to abolish the division of North and South Korea and establish a unified nation is a central issue of Korea, and how should a unified Korean nation be expressed in the constitution? A : A democratic state for a sovereign and independent people should be established. Q : To what extent is there interference by the U.S. military in South Korea and what is their political attitude toward the Korean people? A : The interference ¡¦ (telegram unknown) ¡¦ The their political attitude displease the Korean people. Q : What do you think of the atmosphere influenced by the U.S. military in South Korea? A : I can¡¯t answer that. |